@CNN: Here’s how lawmakers could force a DACA vote in the House https://t.co/jofVa1v61d https://t.co/WhKBOKjdv7 May 10, 2018 / The Arbiter / CNN @CNN: Here’s how lawmakers could force a DACA vote in the House https://t.co/jofVa1v61d https://t.co/WhKBOKjdv7 Here's how lawmakers could force a DACA vote in the House https://t.co/jofVa1v61d pic.twitter.com/WhKBOKjdv7 — CNN (@CNN) May 10, 2018 cnn
@CNN: Rep. Adam Schiff says he believes the Justice Department is investigating the Clinton Foundation at the “badgering” of the White House #CNNSOTU https://t.co/TFzIdJlEYk https://t.co/05Bgg7mPIo 7 years ago
@CNN: Mitch McConnell appears to have conveniently forgotten Merrick Garland is | Analysis by @CillizzaCNN https://t.co/ZS4CuoeDeh https://t.co/xSWZG2qcSt 6 years ago
@CNN: This Georgetown freshman is 63 and attending the school that enslaved her ancestors https://t.co/O79FWyP9Ty https://t.co/a0KCBXUPqq 7 years ago
@CNN: Is the House Judiciary Committee’s investigation into Trump’s campaign a pre-impeachment hearing? Why hasn’t Ivanka been contacted? @RepJerryNadler fields questions from @ErinBurnett in his first interview since announcing the probe https://t.co/BwI26fMpzX https://t.co/DH4BB36pH3 5 years ago
@CNN: US President Trump calls out “massive trade distortion” with China and plans to improve economic ties with the coun… https://t.co/dXikpxmirm 7 years ago