@CNN: Heavy marijuana use linked to rare vomiting illness https://t.co/pQzZtLYPC1 https://t.co/fFG5QKy6kp December 4, 2017 / The Arbiter / CNN @CNN: Heavy marijuana use linked to rare vomiting illness https://t.co/pQzZtLYPC1 https://t.co/fFG5QKy6kp Heavy marijuana use linked to rare vomiting illness https://t.co/pQzZtLYPC1 http://pic.twitter.com/fFG5QKy6kp — CNN (@CNN) December 4, 2017 cnn
@CNN: RT @OutFrontCNN: “I think all of us were shocked today to learn that the payments continued from the Oval Office and that Donald J. Trump was unwise enough to actually sign one of those checks himself.” Rep. @GerryConnolly on revelations during Michael Cohen’s testimony. https://t.co/RPXTfgFQuA https://t.co/j1BkdALjYR 5 years ago
@CNN: Kristen Visbal, the artist who sculpted “Fearless Girl,” has been quietly selling full-size reproductions of the beloved sculpture https://t.co/cVvd38Umqv https://t.co/0coP4eRcnQ 6 years ago
@CNN: Ted Cruz: Consenting adults should be able to do whatever they want in their bedrooms; “The media and the left seem… https://t.co/mErs4Ongwx 7 years ago
@CNN: RT @mj_lee: Will be inside the room for Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh hearing today. Here’s Ford’s view this morning: https://t.co/dewwxsB17o 6 years ago
@CNN: The California wildfires are now larger than New York City and Boston combined https://t.co/EMSpgKoaoc https://t.co/Nvdj84NWCm 7 years ago
@CNN: A famous painting that sold for $1.6M made its first public appearance in decades at an exhibition in Nigeria. Ben Enwonwu’s “Tutu,” often dubbed the “African Mona Lisa,” was missing for more than 40 years before turning up in a London apartment last year https://t.co/JOEInEL0qO https://t.co/MtE3ZYtQcZ 6 years ago