@CNN: Gun control group sues bump stock maker on behalf of Las Vegas survivors https://t.co/MUI9kgkFqW October 11, 2017 / The Arbiter / CNN @CNN: Gun control group sues bump stock maker on behalf of Las Vegas survivors https://t.co/MUI9kgkFqW Gun control group sues bump stock maker on behalf of Las Vegas survivors https://t.co/MUI9kgkFqW — CNN (@CNN) October 11, 2017 cnn
@CNN: Neighbors have been helping a wheelchair-bound woman get into bed every night for 10 years https://t.co/7tWaUUJsge https://t.co/guBDfxwXZa 6 years ago
@CNN: RT @OutFrontCNN: “I think when the President and his legal team come forward and tell their side of the story I think you are going to see that this is far from being over,” says former Trump senior communications adviser Jason Miller on Michael Cohen https://t.co/SQ3Mrip2Oe https://t.co/W93IosJxwU 6 years ago
@CNN: Florida prosecutors filed hate crime charges against a white man who was captured on cellphone video holding a handgun and yelling racial epithets at a group of young African-American demonstrators at an anti-violence protest on Martin Luther King Jr. Day https://t.co/nwhef98QzJ 6 years ago
@CNN: Why Nike is betting its slogan on Colin Kaepernick https://t.co/JTmCkYQTXP https://t.co/za7RjbbY7d 6 years ago
@CNN: Hate crime? Or just hate? A CNN investigation reveals authorities may have charged wrong man for threatening mosque… https://t.co/aigdezC0h3 7 years ago
@CNN: JUST IN: President Trump announces that he’ll replace Defense Secretary James Mattis on Jan. 1, two months ahead of Mattis’ planned departure. Deputy Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan will assume the title of acting secretary of defense. https://t.co/A85p1AABrN https://t.co/hmAoDxjUag 6 years ago