@CNN: Fact-checking Trump’s border speech and DACA offer https://t.co/MGyihx91eK https://t.co/dhlScPR56K January 19, 2019 / The Arbiter / CNN @CNN: Fact-checking Trump’s border speech and DACA offer https://t.co/MGyihx91eK https://t.co/dhlScPR56K Fact-checking Trump's border speech and DACA offer https://t.co/MGyihx91eK pic.twitter.com/dhlScPR56K — CNN (@CNN) January 19, 2019 cnn
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@CNN: The White House ban on staffers using personal cellphones in the West Wing will go into effect next Tuesday, according to an internal memo sent by chief of staff John Kelly https://t.co/FL9lgZbWXl https://t.co/9cSbdlHBMB 7 years ago
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