@CNN: Facebook wants to put a camera in your house https://t.co/L2wsFSg76G https://t.co/evYD9ktxVw October 11, 2018 / The Arbiter / CNN @CNN: Facebook wants to put a camera in your house https://t.co/L2wsFSg76G https://t.co/evYD9ktxVw Facebook wants to put a camera in your house https://t.co/L2wsFSg76G pic.twitter.com/evYD9ktxVw — CNN (@CNN) October 11, 2018 cnn
@CNN: First lady Melania Trump: “I have been heartened to see children across this country using their voices to speak out and try to create change. They’re our future and they deserve a voice.” https://t.co/JGmZLDpO0P https://t.co/mpdNmgJZOj 6 years ago
@CNN: India by train — with dogs? One couple shares their story https://t.co/nOZjYzw2jh via @CNNTravel https://t.co/qVJH7Cqdy5 6 years ago
@CNN: President Donald Trump accentuated his fury at the notion an FBI source may have provided information about his campaign, declaring that such a scenario would amount to an unprecedented scandal https://t.co/Xox6qKBeGl https://t.co/eIRgEOkjWP 6 years ago
@CNN: Rep. Jim Jordan dominated the GOP questioning of former Trump attorney Michael Cohen https://t.co/A1EIa16qAY https://t.co/51uHN6MClf 5 years ago
@CNN: How much do you know about our 40th president? Get a raw look at the Reagan years tomorrow on CNN Films’… https://t.co/uufDX42yG5 7 years ago
@CNN: This fake NFL story continues to find haven on Facebook days after being debunked https://t.co/leLCW7Aw6g https://t.co/1yJvt62vJp 7 years ago