@CNN: Exclusive: Inside the GOP plan to discredit James Comey https://t.co/Mj1zeqXUc3 https://t.co/3sUmFyhnDb April 12, 2018 / The Arbiter / CNN @CNN: Exclusive: Inside the GOP plan to discredit James Comey https://t.co/Mj1zeqXUc3 https://t.co/3sUmFyhnDb Exclusive: Inside the GOP plan to discredit James Comey https://t.co/Mj1zeqXUc3 pic.twitter.com/3sUmFyhnDb — CNN (@CNN) April 12, 2018 cnn
@CNN: Mercedes to spend $1B to upgrade production in Alabama, jump-starting its electric vehicle program in the U.S. https://t.co/NeG46CVrtl 7 years ago
@CNN: Within minutes, it “was like a war zone.” The Capital Gazette shooting marked the deadliest day for journalism in America since 9/11 https://t.co/ye02V1Ct3j https://t.co/oQVZeNeual 6 years ago
@CNN: Former Vice President Joe Biden is not the right Democratic candidate for 2020, writes @julianzelizer for @CNNopinion https://t.co/Xu0J9dgBkI 5 years ago
@CNN: There’s one type of workplace diversity we don’t often talk about: Body size. Research shows that the higher their body mass index, the more likely an employee is to be stereotyped as “lazy, unmotivated, unintelligent, sloppy and lacking willpower.” https://t.co/ROc5b5IWvk 6 years ago
@CNN: RT @CNNTonight: Rep. Jackie Speier says President Trump’s blocking of the Democratic memo is “politicization and deeply disturbing,” but “look forward to looking at it next week and then with the redactions that the DOJ has recommended we can resubmit to the President” https://t.co/8Vskdb8rDe 6 years ago
@CNN: Anti-abortion Rep. Tim Murphy, who reportedly urged a woman to have an abortion, will be resigning from US Congress… https://t.co/YJstAWnhNK 7 years ago