@CNN: Ellen DeGeneres is heading out on tour — sort of https://t.co/sn6XqsIOdx https://t.co/jL2TJLIxP6 June 15, 2018 / The Arbiter / CNN @CNN: Ellen DeGeneres is heading out on tour — sort of https://t.co/sn6XqsIOdx https://t.co/jL2TJLIxP6 Ellen DeGeneres is heading out on tour — sort of https://t.co/sn6XqsIOdx pic.twitter.com/jL2TJLIxP6 — CNN (@CNN) June 15, 2018 cnn
@CNN: These drones can go dangerous places humans can’t — and may even stop disasters from happening in the first place https://t.co/2v5tTJ74Mj https://t.co/8z0qbenDDP 6 years ago
@CNN: Michigan State University interim President John Engler resigned after criticism over recent statements he made about the girls and young women who were Larry Nassar’s victims, the school said https://t.co/fhe1XcClru 6 years ago
@CNN: Meet Miquela: The CGI Instagram star making brands real money — even though she’s not a real human https://t.co/Dk98eMxQEF https://t.co/8hsLZh2Z3P 6 years ago
@CNN: “Don’t forget to show love”: In a superhero cape, he feeds the hungry and homeless in Birmingham, Alabama. And he’s only 4. https://t.co/BiLOuLxIyQ https://t.co/0zfHWX3lFy 6 years ago
@CNN: RT @CNNnewsroom: CNN correspondent Diana Magnay witnessed the unfolding incident in London: “Suddenly, from both directions, you saw these people running. I thought the only place you could go was into the cafe.” https://t.co/26wm78OVqM https://t.co/nqJw17woc3 7 years ago
@CNN: RT @OutFrontCNN: Deborah Ford Peters, Christine Blasey Ford’s sister-in-law on Kavanaugh: “I felt like he was extremely defensive even to the point of being belligerent earlier and then he would come out with this emotion. It just didn’t seem very cohesive in the narrative.” https://t.co/raB9SjPHUV 6 years ago