@CNN: Electric cars could put 100,000 German jobs at risk https://t.co/3inC0VVr6d https://t.co/MWrwJK94Bz June 5, 2018 / The Arbiter / CNN @CNN: Electric cars could put 100,000 German jobs at risk https://t.co/3inC0VVr6d https://t.co/MWrwJK94Bz Electric cars could put 100,000 German jobs at risk https://t.co/3inC0VVr6d pic.twitter.com/MWrwJK94Bz — CNN (@CNN) June 5, 2018 cnn
@CNN: President Trump welcomed the North Dakota State University football team to the White House to congratulate them on winning FCS College Football Championship for the seventh time in eight years, and fast food was once again on the menu. https://t.co/YLsAmTPimX https://t.co/5TBqL8fpJX 6 years ago
@CNN: Martin Luther King Jr.’s son criticizes Vice President Mike Pence for citing the slain civil rights leader to make the case for a wall along the US-Mexico border https://t.co/HpsVhAjxjS #MLKDay https://t.co/4Trz0gs5RS 6 years ago
@CNN: President Trump has become increasingly sensitive to criticism that he’s backing off his signature promise to build a wall along the US-Mexico border, sources say, as aides fear the administration’s chances for securing funding for it have sunset https://t.co/WGL8RrEWEw https://t.co/r16s2iyXcp 6 years ago
@CNN: Republican senators’ latest attempt to repeal Obamacare could be the most far-reaching of GOP efforts this year https://t.co/fQzIsjW8aD 7 years ago
@CNN: A senior adviser who worked for disgraced Trump appointee Carl Higbie was banned from using Uber after an incident early last year in which he allegedly made racially charged and anti-Muslim comments to a driver https://t.co/ZpwfjWZOg0 https://t.co/SvxxpP2wsa 7 years ago
@CNN: RT @AC360: “Nobody wants this job.” CNN’s @davidaxelrod jokingly suggests President Trump turn to Craigslist to fill the vacant chief of staff job in the White House https://t.co/1PJhza9gV5 https://t.co/JMVZGbf8O2 6 years ago