@CNN: Deutsche Bank accidentally sent a $35 billion payment https://t.co/EyWWKpFhU1 https://t.co/VC13ap07xV April 20, 2018 / The Arbiter / CNN @CNN: Deutsche Bank accidentally sent a $35 billion payment https://t.co/EyWWKpFhU1 https://t.co/VC13ap07xV Deutsche Bank accidentally sent a $35 billion payment https://t.co/EyWWKpFhU1 pic.twitter.com/VC13ap07xV — CNN (@CNN) April 20, 2018 cnn
@CNN: A police department says it will review more than 100 sex-crime cases in which it destroyed rape kits after a CNN investigation uncovered the practice https://t.co/01zc0tfk9W 6 years ago
@CNN: A Brooklyn woman whose racist, profanity-laced tirade on the New York subway was captured on video has been charged with felony assault after she struck a fellow passenger, authorities say https://t.co/heTOpt0EfT https://t.co/Ouxd1dxM25 6 years ago
@CNN: Almost two-thirds of Americans — 63% — believe that the US should not withdraw from the Iran nuclear agreement https://t.co/atquIswvNa 6 years ago
@CNN: The sexual harassment we don’t talk about | By Ruth Ben-Ghiat via @CNNOpinion https://t.co/EBuWKDTbgh https://t.co/RBtJLj5JaX 6 years ago
@CNN: From #Harvey’s aftermath to Trump’s border wall, catch up on the news you may have missed https://t.co/KTt7I2e58y 7 years ago / 0
@CNN: .@MarquardtA on a potential storm surge of 1 to 3 feet in Sarasota: “Make no mistake, that can still do some damage” https://t.co/2A8BGbaIF8 7 years ago