@CNN: China plans to send a rover to explore Mars next year https://t.co/3bxkpg3dso https://t.co/hQiOP0zm4j March 4, 2019 / The Arbiter / CNN @CNN: China plans to send a rover to explore Mars next year https://t.co/3bxkpg3dso https://t.co/hQiOP0zm4j China plans to send a rover to explore Mars next yearhttps://t.co/3bxkpg3dso pic.twitter.com/hQiOP0zm4j — CNN (@CNN) March 4, 2019 cnn
@CNN: A Norwegian museum has agreed to return thousands of artifacts and human remains to Easter Island, after they were taken by explorer Thor Heyerdahl during two expeditions in the 20th century https://t.co/Mst9HfElQz https://t.co/cCrUVgdwHS 5 years ago
@CNN: “This investigation was a complete cover-up, a complete sham.” Democratic Sen. Jeff Merkley says the White House gave instructions to the FBI that limited the scope of their examination of Brett Kavanaugh https://t.co/3lNabZPJp5 https://t.co/sBAkYc4n9p 6 years ago
@CNN: During a private breakfast for RNC members, a committeewoman remarked that it’s “racist” to seek to bar immigrants from Africa and Haiti https://t.co/giE7YaMYO7 https://t.co/myYM6ucpEg 6 years ago
@CNN: RT @OutFrontCNN: “Why now?” @ErinBurnett slams President Trump’s “alternate universe,” wondering what’s behind the administration’s sudden focus on Russian meddling in the the upcoming election https://t.co/1IT50bLLQw https://t.co/rxgN0tLA2x 6 years ago
@CNN: The White House’s plan to centralize voter data with a national database could become a target of foreign cyber attacks, experts warn https://t.co/AAwSzqPNfd https://t.co/3J64vxtVwR 7 years ago
@CNN: Amazon launched in Australia on Tuesday, hoping to seize market share in one of the world’s richest countries https://t.co/0759X9o4k4 https://t.co/bDPk4z0BSG 7 years ago