@CNN: Carrie Fisher wins Grammy posthumously https://t.co/atoLhy67qm https://t.co/lE3ZFWREyc January 28, 2018 / The Arbiter / CNN @CNN: Carrie Fisher wins Grammy posthumously https://t.co/atoLhy67qm https://t.co/lE3ZFWREyc Carrie Fisher wins Grammy posthumously https://t.co/atoLhy67qm pic.twitter.com/lE3ZFWREyc — CNN (@CNN) January 29, 2018 cnn
@CNN: RT @CuomoPrimeTime: “If this country doesn’t start healing, it is not going to matter who wins elections. We’re all going to lose eventually.” Republican @RepCurbelo, who stood beside and forgave a teenager who threatened to kill him on Twitter, tells @ChrisCuomo why he chose forgiveness over fear. https://t.co/2XeybsqWCt 6 years ago
@CNN: Facebook and other platforms may still be ill-equipped for the next wave of misinformation: spoofed videos, called deepfakes. Experts say it won’t be long before they’re used to foment discord or affect an election. https://t.co/aGR3fyhaGG https://t.co/qaltwyXd0r 6 years ago
@CNN: John Dean, former Nixon White House counsel, wonders why press secretary Sarah Sanders “even bothers” with briefings anymore, adding that he’s never seen a briefing “as non-responsive as this one. … It’s kinda sad, really.” https://t.co/E3Oh4m5sS1 https://t.co/JUPvpu8DOY 6 years ago
@CNN: China “welcomes” US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin’s offer to hold trade talks in Beijing https://t.co/c9JCH1qs4N https://t.co/0vLo8RnNfy 6 years ago
@CNN: A federal judge has ruled that the US Defense Department must refrain from transferring a US citizen accused of fighting for ISIS and detained as an “enemy combatant” in Iraq to the custody of a third country until Tuesday https://t.co/hI84rdyAcf 7 years ago
@CNN: “Welcome to America”: TIME magazine announced its new cover this week that shows President Trump and the two-year-old Honduran girl crying at the US-Mexico border https://t.co/nOyupHsnjk https://t.co/qa8RT8hbKc 6 years ago