@CNN: Apple will unveil new iPhones on September 12 https://t.co/dm8w2Flc2s https://t.co/FCsMrYm2vZ August 31, 2017 / The Arbiter / CNN / No Comments @CNN: Apple will unveil new iPhones on September 12 https://t.co/dm8w2Flc2s https://t.co/FCsMrYm2vZ Apple will unveil new iPhones on September 12 https://t.co/dm8w2Flc2s http://pic.twitter.com/FCsMrYm2vZ — CNN (@CNN) August 31, 2017 cnn
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@CNN: Here’s a look at a US-unit in South Korea designed to limit the damage to Seoul from North Korea in the event of wa… https://t.co/gjdTCBMQcv 7 years ago
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@CNN: Child marriage is declining, a new UNICEF report says – but 12 million girls are still married in childhood every year https://t.co/u13kbt0IP3 7 years ago
@CNN: RT @OutFrontCNN: “What I want to do is not allow women like myself, that have every right to be angry and upset and mad and to curse, that somehow they’re not allowed to do it in some sort of public forum.” @RashidaTlaib on her expletive-laden call for Trump’s impeachment. https://t.co/LD0HsCA7FQ https://t.co/WBQ6PZl93y 6 years ago
@CNN: Mutual is a dating app exclusively for Mormons. For some, it’s been an answer to their prayers. https://t.co/gDrbj5ldRm 7 years ago