@CNN: .@Accenture CEO @JulieSweet has a message for President Trump: Get companies to re-skill and think about the three A’s: automation, analytics, and artificial intelligence #BossFiles with @PoppyHarlowCNN Listen: https://t.co/jvZ4JNwwEm Read: https://t.co/3pm4dtro4J https://t.co/vtLmYTuoQ4

@CNN: .@Accenture CEO @JulieSweet has a message for President Trump: Get companies to re-skill and think about the three A’s: automation, analytics, and artificial intelligence

#BossFiles with @PoppyHarlowCNN

Listen: https://t.co/jvZ4JNwwEm
Read: https://t.co/3pm4dtro4J https://t.co/vtLmYTuoQ4