@CNN: 1968: The year that changed the world, in pictures https://t.co/KyThAV8BLv https://t.co/SUpIe5hFd5 May 24, 2018 / The Arbiter / CNN @CNN: 1968: The year that changed the world, in pictures https://t.co/KyThAV8BLv https://t.co/SUpIe5hFd5 1968: The year that changed the world, in pictures https://t.co/KyThAV8BLv pic.twitter.com/SUpIe5hFd5 — CNN (@CNN) May 24, 2018 cnn
@CNN: Students are walking out of classrooms in over 100 countries to protest climate inaction https://t.co/wDFIxpBKtU 5 years ago
@CNN: Dramatic footage shows a mountainside rescue in the French Alps earlier this month. After a skier was injured on the slopes, a police helicopter flew in to assist. The pilot was able to plant the aircraft’s landing skid in the snowy incline so a rescue team could help the skier. https://t.co/pOQ1Wrwzgv 6 years ago
@CNN: Sen. Mitch McConnell: “You’ve watched the fight. You’ve watched the tactics. … In the very near future, Judge Kavanaugh will be on the United States Supreme Court… Don’t get rattled by all of this. We’re gonna plow right through it and do our job.” https://t.co/nkGoohYAcr https://t.co/e4MTpTGPEt 6 years ago
@CNN: President Donald Trump’s nominee to head the IRS owns a stake in two rental units at a Trump-branded hotel in Hawaii https://t.co/XijCPdylKY https://t.co/7zbXMoz789 6 years ago
@CNN: Former CIA counterterrorism official Phil Mudd: The FBI people “are ticked” and they’ll be saying of Trump, “You’ve been around for 13 months. We’ve been around since 1908. I know how this game is going to be played. We’re going to win” https://t.co/5x39x20g3e https://t.co/fByOLNrh0I 6 years ago
@CNN: The New York Daily News is shedding about half of its editorial team https://t.co/4EV4gz9Z8N https://t.co/vs3BVnkvhq 6 years ago